Dublin, 29 October 2024 – Jackson Square Aviation (JSA), a leading aircraft leasing company, has signed a partnership agreement with Future Energy Global (FEG), the innovative Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) ecosystem builder and production accelerator.
The aviation industry has committed to reaching net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050, and SAF is expected to be the biggest single contributor to this goal. JSA’s airline customers will gain access to this powerful new decarbonization lever, combining JSA’s financial solutions with FEG’s future SAF deliveries, along with its partner network of corporate SAF buyers, suppliers, and analytics providers.
“We need radical collaboration between stakeholders to achieve the industry’s common goal of net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050,” said Future Energy Global CEO Natasha Mann. “Aircraft lessors are central to this, as they own about half the world’s commercial aircraft fleet, and Jackson Square Aviation is leading the way. We’re very proud to partner with JSA to accelerate SAF rollout and to build a sustainable aviation ecosystem which brings together lessors, airlines, SAF producers, and corporate clients.”
“As a key player in the commercial aviation value chain, Jackson Square takes its sustainability responsibilities very seriously,” said Ryan Opeka, Chief Operating Officer of Jackson Square Aviation. “We recognise the importance of investing in a more sustainable future for the global air transport industry. At JSA, we pride ourselves on owning one of the most modern and fuel-efficient fleets in the industry, and we are a strong proponent of the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) globally. In partnership with Future Energy Global, JSA will apply our finance expertise to help our existing and future airline clients decarbonise their operations with SAF.”
Made from crops, wastes, or renewable electricity, SAF replaces conventional aviation fuel and greatly reduces the lifecycle CO2 emissions compared with fossil fuel. SAF is expected to contribute around two thirds of aviation’s emissions reduction needed to reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2050, but to achieve this, its production quantities need to scale a thousand-fold.
Future Energy Global helps to speed SAF scale-up through its SAF Advance Purchase Commitments, connecting SAF suppliers and buyers in a platform that delivers tangible benefits to all. FEG gives suppliers the financial stability needed to expand, while buyers gain access to a steady supply of SAF and SAF credits at predictable costs.
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